Senior Orchestras Charity

We provide support to all of the Toronto Orchestra's organizations for elderly and we are dedicated to helping elders through donations or fundraising activities.

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The charity for elder's orchestral organization was founded in the early 1990s by a group of musicians and music lovers with a passion for providing opportunities for seniors to engage in musical activities. Recognizing the numerous benefits of musical participation for older adults, including improved cognitive function, increased social interaction, and reduced feelings of isolation, the organization set out to create a community-based orchestral group specifically for seniors. Over the years, the organization has grown significantly, attracting musicians from a variety of backgrounds and ages. Today, the charity is a well-established and respected non-profit, known for its commitment to promoting the health and well-being of older adults through music and community engagement. With programs and performances taking place in various locations, the charity continues to make a positive impact on the lives of seniors everywhere.

Our Mission

The mission of the charity for elder's orchestral organization is to enrich the lives of older adults by providing opportunities to participate in musical activities. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, the organization seeks to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being among its members. The charity is dedicated to making music accessible to seniors regardless of prior musical experience, and to building bridges between generations through shared musical experiences. The organization also aims to raise public awareness of the positive impact of music on older adults and to serve as a model for other communities seeking to provide similar programs. Through its programs, performances, and outreach efforts, the charity strives to promote the value and importance of music in the lives of older adults and to create a more vibrant and connected community for seniors everywhere.

3615 Front Ave Toronto, ON M3R 3V2








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